Investigated Projects

4Dermis (Czech Health Research Council)

Cell-mediated multilayered 4th generation biomimetic scaffold for single-step total skin substitute: from laboratory to clinical application.

The aims of the project lie in the preparation and preclinical testing of a unique multilayer biomaterial based on natural resorbable biopolymers seeded… read more →


Degradable sandwich fibrous hydrogels for moist healing of difficult-to-heal wounds

Along with higher demands on the quality of patient care and lives, the request for new therapeutic methods is also increasing. The main goal of the project is to develop and optimize products for infected wound healing based on... read more →

ACCURE (Interreg, Austria-Czechia)
Austrian-Czechia union of regenerative medicine for acute and chronic wounds

The main goal of the 3-years project ACCURE is a cross-border cooperation between Austrian and Czech partners in the "Research and Innovation" priority in the field of medicine and biotechnology. Universities (CEITEC Brno University of... read more →


Bio-inspired injectable bone glue (WIN-CEITEC)

Synthesis, modification, and ex-vivo bone-to-bone adhesion testing

​The main goal of the one-year project is to establish cooperation between CEITEC and the University of Waterloo in Canada. The project’s overall objective is to synthesize and modify biodegradable synthetic polymers by natural bioadhesive... read more →


Mechanical Engineering of biological and bioinspired systems

A new generation of implants or unique materials to be used in industry and transport. These and many other results are the target of scientists from five Czech institutions who have jointly succeeded in the Cutting-edge Research grant call... read more →

ExRegMed (OP JAK)

Excellence in regenerative medicine

The main objective of the project is to create and develop an excellent research centre in the field of regenerative medicine. The activities of the project are focused on the regeneration of damaged tissues that cannot yet be treated or whose... read more →

TAČR Prostředí pro život

Development of device for the treatment and processing of expanded and low-density waste thermoplastics for the purpose of producing infiltration elements to adjust the drainage conditions in the urban v intravilánu

The project aims to develop a device that processes waste thermoplast... read more →

TAČR Sigma

Development of new functions for a device for layered structures from nanotextile and hydrogel

The project aims to enhance a device for creating 3D structures from hydrogel with controlled layering and embedded shapes. Key objectives include... read more →


GAČR Standart Project

Modification of rheological properties of alkali-activated materials with new types of organic admixtures

The aim of the project is to synthesize selected organic compounds and to study their influence on the rheological properties of alkali-activated materials in... read more →

CombiDress SF – TAČR 9

Submicrofibrous oxidized cellulose accelerating the blood stop

The aim of the project is to prepare, optimize and test on animal models nano/submicrofibrous hemostatics based on polyanhydroglucuronic acid derivatives, also known as m-doc ™ (micro-dispersed oxidized cellulose)... read more →

m-doc4IV&m-docDOT – TAČR 10

Development and verification of hemostatic m-doc dressing for intra-vascular procedures

The aim of the project is to develop two types of hemostatic intravenous coverings Clear4IV and m-docDOT based on the active hemostatic substance... read more →

Hem-Active – MPO Aplikace

Hemostatic freeze-dried foams based on m-doc

The aim of the project is to prepare and optimized freeze-dried hemostatic foams based on powder m-doc™ (micro-dispersed oxidized cellulose). The prepared foams will be used as hemostatic wound dressgins for internal bleeding.... read more →

PhD projects

Jaroslav Koča Bridge Fund 

JAROSLAV KOCA BRIDGE FUND is a traditional internal stipend fund addressed to CEITEC PhD candidates which aims to promote interdisciplinary projects connecting life sciences and material sciences at CEITEC. 

our projects →

Specific Research BUT

Quality Internal Grants BUT (KiNG BUT)

Finished projects

TECHBIKOM (Interreg, Austria-Czechia)

Forest industry waste biomass processing technology for advanced polymer composites

Austrian-Czech project focusing on environment and resources. The main objective of the project is cross-border cooperation in the processing of waste bark... read more →

profiBONE (EAA grant)

Low-temperature 3D Printing of Bio-Functionalized Ceramic Bone Implants with Adjustable Mechanical Properties

Our goal is to improve mechanical, degradable, healing and antibacterial properties of implants by modification of ceramic cement with binders based on... read more →