Research areas
- Synthesis of specialty organic and organic-inorganic polymers and copolymers
- Syntheses of biomedical polymers
- Synthesis of biopolymeric materials for tissue engineering and drug delivery
- Functionalized polymers and copolymers for medical applications
- Bioactive hydrogels for regenerative medicine
- "Smart" hydrogels for controlled drug delivery
- Nanostructured polymer composites for tissue engineering
- “Smart” thermosensitive life-time controlled hydrogels.
- Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polyurethane films and composites.
- Physical and chemical crosslinking of hydrogels.
- Spinning of functional nanofibers.
- “In-situ” preparation of nanoparticles and core-shell heterogeneous nanoparticles.
- (Bio)polymer-based hydrogels, fibers and scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Major Equipments
- GPC/SEC Agilent gel chromatography comprising unique Wyatt Detectors (18 angle MALS, DLS, UV, RI and viscometer supplied with both column and FFF separation systems).
- Circular dichroism spectrophotometer JASCO J-1500 with fluorescent and UV-VIS measurement, Calypso-CG-MALS and SDS page Bio-Rad electrophoresis.
- Pilot scale freeze drier Martin Christ Epsilon 2-10D LSCplus (0.7 m2).
- Range of all-glass vacuum-lines for advanced polymerizations and syntheses.
- Gel chromatography analysis of polymers.
- State of the art glove box Jacomex GP (<1 ppm O2/H2O).
- Perkin Elmer Clarus 680 gas chromatography.
Targeted Applications
- Injectable hydrogels and composites for drug delivery and bone adhesion/regeneration.
- Amphiphilic nanofibers as a platform for disease modeling and cancer treatment.
- Antibacterial hydrogels with nanoparticles for soft tissue regeneration.
- Highly elastomeric biodegradable polyurethanes for vascular grafts.
- Collagen-based composite scaffolds with blood derivatives for tissue regeneration.
- Novel polymeric materials for 3D bioprinting of soft and hard tissues.
- Bio- and thermodegradable polyurethane foams for industrial application.
Assoc. Prof. Lucy Vojtová, Ph.D.
Research Group Leader