Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer (CD) J-1500, Jasco
- Based on the principle of circular dichroism (CD) - difference in the absorption of left-handed circularly polarised light (L-CPL) and right-handed circularly polarised light (R-CPL)
- Applicable for molecules containing one or more chiral chromophores (light-absorbing groups)
- Measurements carried out in the visible and ultra-violet region of the electro-magnetic spectrum monitor electronic transitions, a circular dichroism signal can be positive or negative, depending on whether L-CPL is absorbed to a greater extent than R-CPL (CD signal positive) or to a lesser extent (CD signal negative)
- Fast, quantitative and non-destructive photometric technique that is used extensively to study chiral molecules of all types and sizes
- Analysis of bulky biological molecules with regard to their stability, structure and interactions of nucleic acids and proteins.
- Determination of protein secondary structure
- Determination of optical purity
- Analysis of the tertiary structure of proteins and conformational changes
- Comparison of the secondary and tertiary structures of wild-type and mutant proteins
- Binding studies involving conformational changes
- Nucleic acid structure and changes upon binding or melting
- Thermodynamic parameters from temperature dependencies of CD signals
- Kinetics of conformational changes on msec timescales
- Quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals
- Variety of samples, from liquids to films to solid-states
- High optical throughput
- Double prism monochromator providing low stray light
- Wide dynamic range standard PMT detector (163 – 950 nm) and an optional InGaAs detector (up to 1600 nm)
- Highly efficient nitrogen purge system
- Digital signal processing
- Simultaneous Multi-Probe: CD, LD, HT, DC, absorbance, fluorescence
- Multi-position cells to run thermal melts
- Measurements on up to 192 samples without user intervention
- Dedicated stopped-flow systems that can measure both CD and fluorescence
Assoc. Prof. Lucy Vojtová, Ph.D.
Research Group Leader