Assoc. Prof. Lucy Vojtová, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Lucy Vojtová obtained her Ph.D. (2000) and Associate professor (2015) degrees at BUT in Macromolecular chemistry. She is currently a Group leader of Advanced biomaterials group at CEITEC BUT and a Head of Advanced polymer synthesis and Biomaterial’s laboratories. She has participated in many projects supported either by the US National Science Foundation or Czechia Agencies, all focused on advanced biopolymers within three years of her post-doctoral position at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the Columbia University in the City of New York (2000–2002). Associate professor Lucy Vojtová has been collaborating with Veterinary Research Institute and Enantis company for many years. She is a specialist in the development of new “smart” biopolymeric scaffolds for soft- and hard- tissues including skin and bone regeneration via tissue engineering methods.
Contact: lucy.vojtova@ceitec.vutbr.cz